Pine Crest School of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida was the first learning journey stop as I take on being a learner for the next year. Moving back from Peru, I was flying through Miami and thought it would be a great opportunity to stop and see a former college of mine Kelly. She is their Computer Science and Educational Technology Specialist. Kelly had shared that their campus had a host of innovative learning spaces that she thought I would enjoy exploring.

Pine Crest Spaces

Pine Crest is a private school that benefits from excellent funding sources. This has allowed them to develop state of the art facilities that are equipped with a variety of resources to give students choice in how they share their skills, knowledge and understanding.

To stay ahead of the curve and explore new options for the classroom, the team of tech leaders spend time exploring KickStarter and other idea launch websites. The school supports the team backing products to bring them into the school and see what they can offer to learning. They make these resources available to student for exploration within the school library. They have a space where the students can use and explore independently or as a part of a class.