While her closing statement of “brain implants” scares me a bit, the rest of the TED Talk Meet the SixthSense Interaction by Pattie Maes at MIT Labs fascinating.  The internet has made information ubiquitous and allowed us to access new knowledge without having to swing by the local library for a book on the topic.  The invention demonstrated here takes access to information to a new level.  Instantly you have the information you need to interact with the environment around you more informed than ever before.  In education, I hope that this might allow us to break down the walls of the formal classroom setting and allow students to interact with the world we pull them out of to teach them about.  I believe the institution of school was created based on the resources we had access to at that time, but now…!  Now students would have the resources they need with them where ever they go.  I am excited to see what doors this new technology opens for our students!

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