ASFMAmerican School Foundation of Monterrey, Mexico

Director of Technology Integration (2010 – 2014)


In 2010, I took on the task of developing the technology integration program at ASFM. With a staff of 220 and 2,600 students, this was no short order. The program now involves a team of 25 Digital Teachers, Tech Trainers, and Technology Integration Specialist that collaborate with curriculum teams and coworkers to expand the technological knowledge of the school through the TPACK framework. 

In 2012 we launched the ASFM 7th grade 1 to 1 laptop program after successfully running a BYOD program at the MSHS level for three years. Students develop online portfolios through their personal ASFM WordPress blogs to display works created within Google Drive, Geometer SketchPad, and Logger Pro Probeware, Screencast-o-matic, Educreations, and the iLife suite. Each nursery through first-grade classroom has a set of five iPads used to support skill development from classroom content. Grades two through six are working with laptop and iPad carts to develop 21st Century Skills such as communication, collaborations, problem-solving, creativity, and goal setting through the use of programs like ALEKS, Google Drive, RAZ Kids, and the iLife suite. Currently, we are developing an N-12 Digital Citizenship program to educate Teachers, Parents, and Students about responsibility with technological tools.

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