Colegio F.D. Roosevelt LogoColegio F. D. Roosevelt
The American School of Lima, Peru
Director of Instructional Innovation and Technology (2014 – 2017)


Leading a team of 13, comprised of technicians, integrationists, network and project managers, in collaboration toward the following results throughout the school:

Significantly enhance learning experiences, empower students to pursue personalized learning paths and increase community interaction to achieve our mission and strategic objectives.

1. Ensuring conditions to access age-appropriate technologies in order to foster collaborative, creative, and engaging learning environments while at the same time optimizing personal learning paths

2. Integrating a school-wide program that encompasses a digital literacy curriculum

3. Developing systems and agreements to promote the balanced, safe, and socially-responsible use of technology for the whole community.

4. Systematically developing all employees’ capacity to embrace and adapt to evolving technology.

Categories: ResumeWork